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Cornus florida K-48

Article ID:0000174354 印刷ページ表示

Botanical Name

Cornus florida

Tree Donor

The City of Volgograd in Commemoration of 20 Years of Sister City Relations


 October 23, 1992

Reason for Donation

Hiroshima and Volgograd (Russian Federation) established official sister city relations on September 28, 1972. This Cornus florida dogwood tree was planted in 1992 to commemorate 20 years of friendship.

Background to the Sister City Agreement
In August 1961, Stalingrad (current Volgograd) sent a telegram to the City of Hiroshima, writing of their request to establish a sister city relationship with Hiroshima. This initiative was proposed and advocated by the Soviet government, who also pushed for sister city agreements between Tokyo and Moscow, and Osaka and Leningrad (current St. Petersburg). The telegram became a catalyst, and from then on, both cities began exchange initiatives on the administrative and cultural level, cultivating a friendly relationship with one another.

It was on May 18, 1968, during a Hiroshima goodwill delegation visit to Volgograd that both mayors signed the sister city agreement stating, "In view of the reality of the historically unprecedented destruction that our two cities have suffered at the hands of weapons, both atomic and not, it is necessary for our cities to combine our efforts in striving for the realization of world peace." The agreement specifies that the sister city agreement is "built upon the foundation of propelling mutual understanding, respect, and friendship."

However, due to changes in international circumstances, approval of the agreement by the Hiroshima City Council was temporarily postponed until September 28, 1972 when the Chairperson of the Volgograd City Executive Committee (equivalent of mayor) visited Hiroshima City as head of a goodwill delegation. It was then that the agreement was formally approved by the Hiroshima City Council and their relationship made official.




Recent Photograph

Recent Photograph

Commemorative Stone Marker

Commemorative Stone Marker

Inquiries regarding this site

Flowers and Greenery Policy Section, Landscape Division, Greenery Promotion Division, Urban Development Bureau
1-6-34 Kokutaiji-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima
Tel: 082-504-2396 // Fax: 082-504-2391
Email: park@city.hiroshima.lg.jp


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