Ms. Sirimas Sittichok
Sanitation Technical Officer
Division of Public Health and Environment, Donhualoh Municipality
Chonburi Province, Kingdom of Thailand
July 5 to September 2, 2019 (60 days)
Focusing on waste collection, treatment, and recycling, she also recieve training in a wide variety of fields such as public health and sanitation, waterworks, and sewage projects in Hiroshima City.
Visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Musuem and participation in the Peace Memorial Ceremony.
Three day, two night homestay as well as a meeting with the Central Hiroshima branch of Soroptimist International.
Ms. Sittichok plans to use her training to improve laws and regulations to better the environment and to solve the issues of illegal dumping and water pollution in Donhualoh Municipality.
Courtesy call to Mayor Matsui
Receiving her Training Completion Certificate
Internationalization Division, Citizens Affairs Bureau
1-6-34 Kokutaiji-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima
Tel: +81-82-504-2106 // Fax: +81-82-249-6460
Email: kokusai@city.hiroshima.lg.jp