You have received this Fixed Assets Tax/City Planning Tax Notification as you own land/property/depreciable assets (those known as fixed assets) in Hiroshima City as of January 1 this year.
General information about these taxes can be found here.
Please pay using the enclosed payment slip by the deadline written on tax notifications/payment slips.
You can pay at any of the following places:
When paying online via credit card or smartphone app, you will need your payment slip (those with barcodes only) and a smartphone/tablet (etc) that has access to the internet. For further information about payment via credit card, see here and for information about payment via smartphone app, see here (these sites are only available in Japanese; please use the auto-translate function at the top of the page to view it in other languages).
If you set up a direct debit/bank transfer, payment will be made automatically from your bank account on the payment deadline.
For further information, see here (this site is only available in Japanese; please use the auto-translate function at the top of the page to view it in other languages).