Nihongo wo Manabou (Let's Learn Japanese): Japanese Language Instruction for Foreign Care Workers Website
What is Nihongo wo Manabou (にほんごをまなぼう)?
Nihongo wo Manabou is a comprehensive language learning platform aimed at helping workers from overseas who work in the care industry in Japan improve their Japanese language abilities and master the necessary Japanese for a career in care.
This language instruction focuses on the Japanese language used in care centers, nursing homes, and other care facilities. It aims to provide workers with the requisite knowledge of Japanese to pass the JLPT N3*.
*(N3 linguistic competence summary: the ability to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to a certain degree.)
Nihongo wo Manabou is not only for foreign care workers who want to improve their Japanese, but is also a resource for their educators and instructors.
Developed and operated by: The Japan Association of Certified Care Workers
Note: this service is free of charge.
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