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Peace Declaration (1978)

Article ID:0500009698 印刷ページ表示

In this world, there is nothing more precious than peace.

Based on our tragic atomic bomb experience, we the citizens of Hiroshima, have for more than three decades called for the total abolition of nuclear weapons and the renunciation of war and have consistently been in pursuit of true peace.

This dearest wish of Hiroshima inspired at long last an international conscience to set up the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly devoted to Disarmament, held in May this year for the first time in its history with 149 Member Nations in attendance.

Representing the citizens of the two cities, the Mayor of Hiroshima, together with the Mayor of Nagasaki, attended the Special Session on Disarmament and also made feasible the epoch-making "Hiroshima-Nagasaki Photographic Exhibit" at the United Nations Headquarters. The photo exhibit vividly reproduced the bare facts of the atomic bomb disasters, rendering great impact upon the visitors to the United Nations, and needless to say, upon the representatives of the Permanent Mission of the United Nations.

In order to achieve the ultimate objective of general and complete disarmament, the nations present at this Special Session on Disarmament have resolved to establish a new disarmament structure composed of all Member States. This is indeed of great significance.

However, the Nuclear Powers, with the United States and the Soviet Union in the forefront are still conducting nuclear testing, deeply engaged in the development of formidable new types of weapons. Mankind today is confronted with an unprecedented threat of self-extinction arising from the massive accumulation and competitive disposition of the most destructive weapons.

True peace can never be built on the accumulation of weaponry.

The current of international politics, still lingering in perplexity and embedded in mutual distrust between nations, must be changed by the convergence of sound world public opinion surpassing all ideologies.

As a forerunner in peace within the international community, it is now high time that Japan, as the only nation to suffer the atomic bomb catastrophe, should bend her utmost energies in an effort to urge world public opinion, and to aim at the attainment of world-wide consensus for the abolition of nuclear weapons and the renunciation of war.

The people of the world ought to combine their wisdom towards the establishment of a new international order based on the spirit of human coexistence and solidarity, transcending the lines of national boundaries and differences of race. This is the only way to build genuine peace - this is the invariable wish of Hiroshima.

Today, on this 33rd Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing when we hold the memorial service for the repose of the souls of the A-bomb victims, I, in the name of all citizens, strongly make this declaration to the whole world.

August 6, 1978

Takeshi Araki
The City of Hiroshima


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