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Announcement regarding the 2023 Peace Memorial Ceremony (as of June 5, 2023)

Article ID:0000338305 印刷ページ表示



The Peace Memorial Ceremony has been held on a smaller scale since 2020 due to the worldwide outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (hereafter referred to as COVID-19). However, in light of COVID-19’s reclassification, effective as of May 8, 2023, the ceremony will be held on the same scale as in previous years before the reduction in scale (details below). 

Ceremony scale

  • Approximately 7,000 seats will be available.
  • In addition, the ceremony will be simultaneously broadcast at the Phoenix Hall and Himawari conference hall of the International Conference Center Hiroshima, with approximately 2,200 indoor seats available.


  • Please see (1) for the proposed list of primary invited guests. We currently do not have concrete numbers available, as we will be adjusting the number of those invited at a later date.
  • Seats for certified hibakusha, bereaved families of hibakusha, and the general public will be unassigned and available on a first-come, first-served basis on the day of the ceremony. Unlike the previous year, we will not be accepting advance applications.
  • Please see (2) for more information on how to apply for Municipality Representative Seating.
  • Please click on the following link for details regarding International Resident and Visitor Seating:

Ceremony schedule

  • The ceremony is scheduled to proceed as it does each year, starting at 8 am and ending at 8:50 am. 

Entry restrictions to Peace Memorial Park

  • Entry restrictions to the Peace Memorial Park and the participants’ seating area will be in place from 5:00 am to 9:00 am.
  • A pathway will be set up for those paying their respects at the Cenotaph from 5:00 am to 7:00 am.
  • After the commencement of entry restrictions (5:00 am), all entrances to the park, except for the pathway to the Cenotaph, will be open at 6:30 am. Baggage inspections and metal detector screenings will be conducted.
  • The seating area for certified hibakusha, bereaved families of hibakusha and the general public will be closed to visitors once the maximum number of visitors has been reached.
  • Details regarding entry restrictions are subject to change.


Inquiries regarding the 2023 Peace Memorial Ceremony

Citizens Activities Promotion Division, Citizens Affairs Bureau
Tel: 082-504-2103 // Fax: 082-504-2066
Email: katsudo@city.hiroshima.lg.jp  

Inquiries regarding Certified Hibakusha and Bereaved Families of Hibakusha Seating

Research Division, Atomic Bomb Survivors Relief Department, 
Health and Welfare Bureau
​Tel: 082-504-2191 (direct)// Fax: 082-504-2257
​Email: gentai@city.hiroshima.lg.jp

Inquiries regarding Municipality Representative Seating

Lifelong Learning Division, Citizens Affairs Bureau
Tel: 082-504-2495 // Fax: 082-504-2066
Email: gakushuu@city.hiroshima.lg.jp      

Inquiries regarding International Resident and Visitor Seating

Internationalization Division, International Peace Promotion Department
Tel: 082-504-2106 // Fax: 082-249-6460
Email: kokusai@city.hiroshima.lg.jp

Supplementary information

  1. Primary invited guests and participants [PDFファイル/384KB]
  2. Regarding advance participant applications for Municipality Representative Seating [PDFファイル/319KB]
  3. Entry restrictions for Peace Memorial Park on August 6, 2023 [PDFファイル/539KB]

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  • 広島市へ寄付