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Letters of Protest, etc.

Article ID:0000158106 印刷ページ表示

Letters of protest against nuclear weapons testing

Protest letterNuclear testing is linked to the development of nuclear weapons. The City of Hiroshima issues formal letters of protest against all such tests, including subcritical nuclear tests. All letters are sent directly to the country responsible. These letters of protest began on September 9, 1968, after the French test of a hydrogen bomb. To date, 615 formal protests have been issued. Prohibiting nuclear testing may not be a direct form of nuclear disarmament, but it does inhibit efforts to improve weapon performance or develop new nuclear weapons. Thus, we regard the test ban as the point of departure for nuclear disarmament.

Beginning on July 16, 1945, when the US conducted the first test of an atomic weapon, nuclear-weapon states have conducted more than 2,000 nuclear weapon tests.

Letters of protest in past years

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