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The Cities of Hiroshima and Sarajevo Sign a Declaration for Exchange of Experiences and Cooperation

Article ID:0000010651 印刷ページ表示

On January 13, 2017, the Cities of Hiroshima and Sarajevo signed a Declaration on the Exchange of Experiences and Cooperation. Our two cities will jointly promote exchange in the fields of peace, culture, and the environment.


1. Aims of a Declaration on the Exchange of Experiences and Cooperation with Overseas Cities

In order to positively expand exchange with overseas cities which have a connection with our city, we have decided to advance our efforts, based on mutual consent, through signing a declaration on the exchange of experiences and cooperation in specific fields, such as peace and culture.

This agreement with the City of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina is the first of its kind for our city.

2. Declaration on the Exchange of Experiences and Cooperation with the City of Sarajevo

In January 2016, we received a request from the mayor of Sarajevo to establish a sister/friendship city relationship. Like Hiroshima, Sarajevo has been making tremendous efforts to reconstruct their city after experiencing disastrous damage in the Bosnian War in the 1990s. They have also been working as a Lead City of Mayors for Peace. Moreover, both of our cities have prosperous manufacturing industries, and we can expect further exchange and collaboration in the field of not only peace, but also culture and environment. With this background, the City of Hiroshima has been working toward signing a declaration on the exchange of experiences and cooperation for deepening relations with the City of Sarajevo.

After completing the discussions, Mayor Matsui signed the declaration on the exchange of experiences and cooperation(213KB)(PDF) on January 13.

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