Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Uganda visited the Peace Memorial Museum and offered a flower wreath at the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims, escorted by Chairperson Komizo of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, on October 26, 2013.
Speaker Kadaga also listened to an A-bomb survivor's testimony later that day.
H.E. Mr. Paddy Burke, Chairman of the Senate of the Republic of Ireland visited Hiroshima and met with Mayor Matsui on February 11, 2014.
After the meeting, Chairman Burke visited the Peace Memorial Museum and offered a flower wreath at the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims, escorted by Mayor Matsui. Chairman Burke also listened to an A-bomb survivor's testimony later that day.
International Relations Division, Citizens Affairs Bureau