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現在地 THE HIROSHIMA BRAND > News > News > Confirmation of New "The Hiroshima Brand"-Certified Products in 2025


Confirmation of New "The Hiroshima Brand"-Certified Products in 2025

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Eight new products were recognized under the Hiroshima Brand on January 20, 2025.

Mayor Matsui awarded certificates to businesses approved by The Hiroshima Brand during a certification ceremony held at Hiroshima City Hall. 

The lineup now includes an additional four "Culinary Delights" products and four "Artisan Masterpieces" products. In total, the lineup features 118 specialty products, 93 of them in the category "Culinary Delights" (food products) and 25 in the category "Artisanal Masterpieces" (craftwork, etc.).


Click here to learn more about the latest additions to the Hiroshima Brand: List of New Entries [PDFファイル/322KB]






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