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"The Hiroshima Brand"-certified companies and "17th Hiroshima Good Design Award"-winning companies featured at the 11th "Synergies Between Traditon and Modernity" exhibition held in France

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Six Hiroshima Brand-certified and Hiroshima Good Design Award-winning companies have been featured at the 11th “Synergies Between Tradition and Modernity” exhibition held in France (Dijon & Paris).​


Under the theme of “Tableware, Clothing & Living”, the 11th “Synergies Between Tradition and Modernity – Local Japanese Craftsmanship at the forefront of Innovation” exhibition put the spotlight on traditional crafts and traditional industrial techniques rooted in the Japanese provinces, helping to promote the hidden charms of rural Japan.


Hosted by:

Council of Local Authorities for International Relations Paris Office (CLAIR Paris Office)


Dates and Locations:

  1. Dijon (Exhibition & Sales)

     Venue: Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie et du Vin (12 parvis de l'Unesco, 21000 Dijon)

     Dates: October 18, 2023 (Wed) to October 22, 2023 (Sun)

  1. Paris (Exhibition & Sales)

     Venue: Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris (101 bis, quai Jaques-Chirac, 75015 Paris)

     Dates: November 14, 2023 (Tue) to November 25, 2023 (Sat)

Number of Visitors:

  1. Dijon Venue: 26,307
  2. Paris Venue:   7,450

Participants from the City of Hiroshima:

The Hiroshima Brand:

The Hiroshima Brand Logo Mark

  1. Hiroshima Koinobori (Umi Sugimoto)/Hiroshima Carp Streamers
  2. Bankoku Needle Mfg. Co., Ltd./Regal Brand Hand-Sewing Needles, Cassette Needle with Sewing Set

17th Hiroshima Good Design Award:​

Hiroshima Good Design Award Logo Mark

  1. Censa Inc./ HOSITOKI, YAMAZUMI (Wooden Building BLocks)
  2. Marru Co., Ltd./Waiting for Spring "Full Moon" Panties (Underware)
  3. Ochi Ltd./SUSU Make-up Brushes (Kumano Brushes)
  4. Hiroshima Kimono Asobi Association/Washi Paper Diary, KIMONOTE, Beret, Kino Maple Broach (Upcycling Products made from Kimono)


CLAIR Paris press release:
(Japanese) https://www.clairparis.org/ja/clair-paris-blog-jp/blog-2024-jp/1788-di11hui-qi-hua-zhanwoparidijonde-kai-cuishimashita<外部リンク>
(French) https://www.clairparis.org/fr/clair-paris-blog/blog-2024-fr/1801-11e-edition-de-notre-exposition-a-paris-et-dijon<外部リンク> 

Exhibition brochure: 11th Synergies Between Tradition and Modernity Brochure [PDFファイル/2.79MB]  (This brochure is available in French only)


Images from the exhibitions:

  1. Dijon venue
    Picture of the Dijon venue
  2. Paris venue
    Picture of the Paris venue 


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