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Peace Declaration (1960)

Article ID:0500009680 印刷ページ表示

A decade and a half have passed since the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

On that day the City of Hiroshima was laid waste in a moment and lives without number were taken away. The catastrophe, however, implanted deep in the minds of those who had barely survived it a strong aversion to wars and a firm stand against any recurrence thereof. Since then it has been our constant and earnest endeavor to make this cause known at every occasion.

However, the recent striding advances in the research and manufacture of nuclear weapons and the mounting tension in the international situation are indications inviting great apprehension. Now is the time for people to fully realize that an atomic war guarantees no victory, but only means self-destruction to mankind.

Let all nations and states, in the spirit of human solidarity, submerge their minor differences for more vital common interests, prohibit all nuclear weapons, abolish wars completely and establish a new world order in which all may live and make live in prosperity. This, to our best belief, is a task of the greatest urgency incumbent upon humanity.

Again we declare this to the world today as we with renewed memories pay homage to the souls of those who departed from us in the atomic bombing.

August 6, 1960

Shinzo Hamai
The City of Hiroshima


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