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Peace Declaration (1959)

Article ID:0500009679 印刷ページ表示

Today we observe the fourteenth anniversary of that memorable day.

A city having a population of over four hundred thousand was instantly laid waste by a single atomic bomb and more than two hundred thousand precious lives were taken away en masse; furthermore, even now after the passage of over a decade, it continues to take toll among those exposed to that evil flash.

The one prayer of the people of Hiroshima, as has been repeatedly embodied in our appeals, has been this: may all nations and states, acting in the spirit of human solidarity, unite in upholding their common cause over all minor differences to achieve the elimination of all wars and the total abolition of nuclear weapons.

Our world now faces the danger of annihilation by nuclear weapons. It should be clearly realized that a war in the atomic age will be a war with no victors, leading only to self-destruction of mankind. It is our belief that the creation of new international relationship and order to make way for peaceful coexistence is the foremost task imposed upon humanity.

As we pay homage to the souls of the atomic bomb victims today, we once again make this appeal to the world, and on our part pledge our devotion to the achievement of our aims with renewed determination.

August 6, 1959

Shinzo Hamai
The City of Hiroshima


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