It is eight years now since that most tragic day.
The citizens of Hiroshima will vividly remember the atomic desert created by the A-bomb. It was unimaginably terrible. And the scars of the crime perpetrated by that single bomb still linger among us. They warn us of the terror of war. This all-important lesson teaches us that we must not use weapons against each other. We must not destroy ourselves.
It was the great achievement of science to develop atomic energy. But it has brought us to a crossroads: we can either turn toward destruction and annihilation or toward the common welfare of mankind.
On this occasion, the eighth anniversary of the atomic bombing, undertake to inform the world over and over again of this truth. We make a vow to the souls of the A-bomb victims that we will renew our devoted efforts towards the establishment of world peace.
August 6, 1953
Shinzo Hamai
The City of Hiroshima