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Travel Support for Medical Treatment in Japan

Article ID:0000144773 印刷ページ表示

Travel expenses will be allotted to atomic bomb survivors (hibakusha) living abroad who have already received their atomic bomb survivor's certificate and would like to travel to Japan to receive medical treatment.

Eligibility Criteria                               
Those who (a) have already received their atomic bomb survivor's certificate and (b) it has been deemed necessary to receive medical treatment in Japan.

Those who would like to apply for travel expense support should contact the Atomic Bomb Survivors Support Division of the Hiroshima Prefectural Health and Welfare Affairs Bureau directly.

Tel: 082-513-3109

Application Processing and Result Notification
Hiroshima Prefecture will process all applications upon consulting with the Medical Consultation Committee for Hibakusha Living Abroad (a committee made up of medical professionals), and notify the applicant of the results.

Coordination with Medical Facilities and Payment of Travel Expenses
Should treatment in Japan be deemed necessary for the applicant as a result of processing their application, the City of Hiroshima will notify applicants of their travel schedules and other necessary information upon coordinating with the relevant medical facilities.
Justifying Statute                               

Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Assistance Act

2018 Implementation Procedures for Support Initiatives for Atomic Bomb Survivors Living Abroad

Relief Section, Relief Division, Atomic Bomb Survivors Relief Department, Health and Welfare Bureau


Note Regarding Links

Please note some links on this page may navigate to our Japanese website.


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