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Hiroshima Omotenashi Pass (HOP)

Article ID:0000004490 印刷ページ表示

The Hiroshima Omotenashi Pass (HOP) is a set of special coupons that can be used to receive discounts and special services at tourist facilities and food and drink establishments. They will be given to tourists free of charge with the purchase of any of the Hiroshima Electric Railway 1-Day Streetcar Pass or 1-Day Streetcar and Ferry Pass, the "Meipuru~pu" Loop Bus 1-Day Pass, or the "Peacecle" (rental bicycle) 1-Day Pass at a hotel or inn offering the passes.

■How to get the Hiroshima Omotenashi Pass (HOP)
 Stay at any HOP participating hotel, and receive a HOP free of charge when purchasing any of 1-Day passes above.
 *Reservation in advance may be necessary

 Hiroshima Electric Railway 1-Day Streetcar Pass
  ADULT 600 yen / CHILD 300 yen
 Hiroshima Electric Railway 1-Day Streetcar and Ferry Pass
  ADULT 840 yen / CHILD 420 yen
 Hiroshima Sightseeing Loop Bus(Hiroshima Meipuru~pu) 1-Day Ticket
  ADULT 400 yen / CHILD 200 yen
 Hiroshima City Share Cycle Peacecle 1-Day Pass
  1,500 yen (After 14:00 800 yen)

■How to use the Hiroshima Omotenashi Pass (HOP)
Show your Hiroshima Omotenashi Pass (HOP) at participating restaurants or tourist facilities.

■List of HOP Participating Hotels and inns
  List of HOP Participating Hotels and inns [PDFファイル/49KB]
*Information as of February 2020

■List of HOP Discount participating locations
  List of HOP Discount participating locations [PDFファイル/191KB]
*Information as of January 2013

pass sign

 Hiroshima Omotenashi Pass Executive Committee Secretariat
 (Hospitality Promotion Division, Tourism Policy Department, Economic Affairs and Tourism Bureau, the City of Hiroshima)
  TEL (082) 504-2676
  FAX (082) 504-2253

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