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Current Location Home > English > 1. Emergency Telephone Numbers | Life in Hiroshima 2024


1. Emergency Telephone Numbers | Life in Hiroshima 2024

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  1. Emergency Telephone Numbers >> 2. Useful Information for Daily Life  ↑ Return to Contents

1-1 Fire, Medical Emergencies, and Rescue Services

Call 119 in case of fire, medical emergencies (sudden illness or injuries), or for rescue services (when you need to be rescued during a natural disaster, etc.).


Tell the operator the following information:

  1. Whether there is a fire or medical emergency.  
  2. An easily understood address or location with a clear destination.
  3. Your name and telephone number. 


While ambulance services are free of charge, do not use them for minor illnesses or injuries.


If you are unsure about whether or not to call an ambulance, go to the hospital, or which hospital to go to, call the Emergency Consultation Center to speak to a nurse or other trained medical professional. 


Emergency Consultation Center

Tel: #7119 or 082-246-2000

1-2 Traffic Accidents and Crime

Call 110 if there is a traffic accident or to report a crime.


Tell the operator the following information:

  1. Whether there has been a traffic accident or crime.
  2. When and where.
  3. What has happened.
  4. If anyone is injured.
  5. Your name and telephone number.


Call 119 if anyone is in need of an ambulance.


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