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Message from the Mayor (as of 4/7/2021)

Article ID:0000220828 印刷ページ表示

Throughout this first year of COVID-19, we have seen a repeat in waves during which cases rise rapidly and then fall.

I feel that this happens because even when cases begin to approach zero thanks to strict adherence to basic infection prevention measures by all our citizens (such as wearing masks, washing hands, and avoiding the 3Cs), the situation takes a turn for the worst due to those who choose to ignore information that does not suit them at the moment, believing that “I’ll be okay” and “It has nothing to do with me” even when cases start to increase.

As such, I would like to once again remind you to strongly bear in mind that this is a powerful virus that anyone is capable of catching. It is vitally important that you carefully consider what could happen if you or someone in your family were to become infected.

Each of us should consider which actions could easily lead to infection and take care to avoid them, especially as prevention measures will be necessary for a prolonged period of time and interactions with others are a part of everyday life.

For example, in this season of welcome and goodbye parties at restaurants, be sure to avoid the following:

  • Spending a prolonged amount of time in a small space with lots of people
  • Drinking from the same glasses or sharing utensils
  • Speaking in loud voices without wearing masks

In addition, for those who have travelled to areas of increased infections: even if you do not have any symptoms, I urge you to proactively make use of the Hiroshima Prefecture PCR Center and PCR testing available at pharmacies to prevent the spread of infection to others.

If we can all adhere to these measures and act in solidarity, then I believe we can prevent another wave of infections.

April 7, 2021
The City of Hiroshima


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