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Hiroshima City Peace Ambassadors

Article ID:0000182897 印刷ページ表示

About the Hiroshima Specially-Appointed Ambassador Program

In FY2010, the City of Hiroshima launched the Hiroshima Specially-Appointed Ambassador Program to disseminate information on our city both domestically and internationally through individuals who have been active in their fields such as peace, culture, sports and tourism. We expect them to help improve our city's image and contribute to the further development of the city.

As of December 1, 2018, we have appointed the following 7 people as Hiroshima Peace Ambassadors:

Ms. Setsuko THURLOW (until November 18, 2026)
Former social worker for the Toronto Board of Education

  • As an atomic bomb survivor born in Hiroshima City, she has engaged in disarmament education for many years, organizing atomic bomb exhibitions and offering atomic bomb testimonies in English.
  • Delivered speeches for nuclear abolition at international conferences, such as the UN Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons in March 2017.
  • Worked with ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) for years, contributing to the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in July 2017.
  • Delivered an acceptance speech at ICAN's Nobel Peace Prize Presentation Ceremony in December 2017.

Dr. Yuki MIYAMOTO (until April 4, 2027)
Professor at DePaul University

  • Established the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Study Course at Depaul University.
  • Visits Hiroshima regularly with students for peace study tours.

Ms. Tomoko AIKAWA (until April 4, 2027)
TV filming coordinator, Spanish-Japanese interpreter/translator, Japanese teacher

  • As a representative of Fundación Sadako, she holds paper crane classes and the Sadako and Paper Cranes Poster Exhibition in Argentina and neighboring countries, and calls on cities to join Mayors for Peace.
  • Expert Advisor for the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation since FY2014

Dr. Kathleen SULLIVAN (until April 15, 2027)
Program Director for Hibakusha Stories

  • Engaged in disarmament education for over 20 years, such as serving as a disarmament educator at the UN Department for Disarmament Affairs.
  •  Works with atomic bomb survivors, youths, peace organizations, academics, and government representatives in USA, Europe, Asia.
  • Program Director for Hibakusha Stories, an organization which sends atomic bomb survivors to high schools in New York to talk about the reality of the atomic bombings

Ms. Hideko TAMURA (until December 9, 2027)
Chair of One Sunny Day Initiatives

  • Engaged in conveying the importance of peace through talking about her experience during the atomic bombing in and outside the USA since 1979.
  • Established the One Sunny Day Initiatives in 2007 with an aim to promote mutual understanding and help abolish nuclear weapons through conveying the reality of the atomic bombings and preciousness of peace. 
  • Organizes lectures and workshops, and produces educational materials, etc.

Ms. Miho CIBOT (until June 12, 2026)
Former Advisor for the Mayors for Peace French Chapter, AFCDRP

  • Engaged in conveying the reality of the atomic bombings through atomic bomb photo exhibitions and screening of A-bomb documentary films in France.
  • Produced an animated film, On a Paper Crane: Tomoko's Adventure, and wrote many peace-themed books.

Rev. Dr. Kenjitsu NAKAGAKI (until November 28, 2026)
Jodo Shinshu Buddhist priest

  • Based in New York, organizes the Annual Interfaith Peace Gathering: Commemoration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings, attended by various religious leaders, musicians, and artists every August since 1994.
  • Organizes peace events related to Hiroshima, such as the Peace Forum with atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and families of 9/11 victims, as well as a concert featuring an atomic-bombed piano from Hiroshima.

Program Information

Inquiries regarding this page

Peace Promotion Division
International Peace Promotion Department
Tel: 082-242-7831 // Fax:082-242-7452
Email: peace@city.hiroshima.lg.jp​


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