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Current Location Home > English > Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Hiroshima City (no. 1-157) (as of 8/17)


Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Hiroshima City (no. 1-157) (as of 8/17)

Article ID:0000181588 印刷ページ表示

The following is a list of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Hiroshima City (no. 1-157; as of 8/17). You can download a PDF version here.

No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
1 3/6 (Mon) Age: 30s (Male) Released from hospital on 3/11  8 people the patient came in contact with (including patient's family, coworkers, medical institution staff) were tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
2 3/25 (Wed) Age: 40s (Female) Released from hospital on 4/7 30 people the patient came in contact with were tested for COVID-19; 29 were negative, with one positive (patient no. 3).
3 3/28 (Sat) Undisclosed Released from the hospital on 4/6  Patient was a customer of patient no. 2's establishment. 29 people the patient came in contact with were tested; 28 were negative with one positive (patient no. 8).
4 Age: 50s (Male) Released from hopsital on 5/12 7 people the patient came in contact with (including family, relatives, etc) were tested for COVID-19;  all were negative.
5 4/1 (Wed) Undisclosed Released from the hospital on 4/16  6 people the patient came in contact with were tested for COVID-19; 5 tested negative and one positive (patient no. 13).
6 2 people the patient came in contact with were tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
7 3 people the patient came in contact with were tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
8 Age: 20s (Female) Released from hospital on 4/23 Patient is an employee at an establishment related to patient no. 3. 9 people the patient came in contact with (coworkers, etc) were tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
9 4/3 (Fri) Age: 20s
(Resident of Tokyo)
The patient's family (3 people) were tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
10 4/6 (Mon) Undisclosed Released from hospital on 4/12 The patient's family (3 people) were tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
11 Age: 40s (Male) Released from hospital on 4/25  2 people the patient came in contact with were tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
Age: 30s (Female)
Released from hospital on 4/19  1 family member of the patient was tested for COVID-19; the result was negative.
13 4/7 (Tues) Age undisclosed (Male) Released from hospital on 4/15 Patient had contact with patient no. 5.
The patient's family members (5 people) tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
14 4/10 (Fri) Age: 20s (Male) 6 people the patient came in contact with were tested for COVID-19; 5 tested negative and one positive (patient no. 15). 15 people the patient came in contact with at their place of employment were also tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
15 4/11 (Sat) Age: 20s (Male) Released from hospital on 4/27 4 people the patient came in contact with were tested for COVID-19; all were negative.
Saeki Ward Cluster Totals
No. Live-in Residents (currently receiving treatment) Staff  (currently receiving treatment) Totals  Patients released/tested negative
67-68, 71, 73, 75-80, 83
Age Male Female Male Female Male Female Total Live-in Residents Staff
10s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tested Negative: No. 18-20, 22-26, 27-29, 30-33, 38-39, 43-45, 47-48, 57-59, 62-64, 67, 71-73, 75-79, 80, 83
Released from hospital: No. 17, 21, 40, 41-42, 46
Released from hospital: No. 16, 37, 50-51, 53-54, 68
Tested Negative: No. 34-35, 49, 52, 55, 65
20s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
56 4/15 (Wed) Age: Teens (Male) Released on 4/29 Patient came in contact with patients no. 14-16.
Saeki Ward Social Welfare Facility Cluster (confirmed 4/18 (Sat))
No. Patient Information Current Status Other Information
57 Age: 20s (Male)
Tested negative  
58 Age: 20s (Male)
Tested negative   
59 Age: Teens (Male)
Tested negative  
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
60 4/18 (Sat) Age: 50s (Female) Released from hospital on 5/1 Patient came in close contact with one of the staff members at the Saeki Ward social welfare facility.
61 Age: 70s (Male) Released from hospital on 5/7 Patient came in close contact with one of the staff members at the Saeki Ward social welfare facility.
Saeki Ward Social Welfare Facility Cluster (confirmed 4/19 (Sun))
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
62 4/19 (Sun) Age: 40s (Male)
Tested negative  
63 Age: 30s (Male)
64 Age: 20s (Male)
65 Age: 20s (Male)
Tested negative
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
66 4/20 (Mon) Age: 40s (Male) Released from hospital on 5/9 11 coworkers the patient came in contact with were tested for COVID-19; 1 tested positive (not a resident of Hiroshima City), 9 tested negative, and 1 is scheduled to be tested. 
Saeki Ward Social Welfare Facility Cluster (confirmed 4/21 (Tues))
No. Patient Information Current Status Other Information
67 Age: 30s (Male)
Tested negative  
68 Age: 20s (Male)
Released from hospital on 5/13
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
69 4/22 (Wed) Age: 30s (Male) Released from hospital on 5/9 Patient had close contact with patient no. 66.
70 Age: 70s (Female) Released from hospital on 5/14 Patient had close contact with patient no. 61.
Saeki Ward Social Welfare Facility Cluster (confirmed 4/24 (Fri))
No. Patient Information Current Status Other Information
71 Age: 20s (Male)
Tested negative  
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
72 4/25 (Sat) Age/Sex: Undisclosed
(Nurse at Funairi Hospital)
Released from hospital on 5/21  
Saeki Ward Social Welfare Facility Cluster (confirmed 4/26 (Sun))
No. Patient Information Current Status Other Information
73 Age: 20s (Male)
Tested negative  
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
74 4/27 (Mon) Age/Sex: Undisclosed
(Nurse at Funairi Hospital)
Released from hospital on 5/13  
Saeki Ward Social Welfare Facility Cluster
No. 75-77: confirmed 4/27 (Mon), No. 78-80: confirmed 4/30-5/2 (Thurs-Sat)
No. Patient Information Current Status Other Information
75 Age: 50s (Male)

Tested negative

76 Age: 20s (Male)
77 Age: 20s (Male)
78 Age: 40s (Male)
79 Age: 40s (Female)
80 Age: 20s (Male)
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
81 5/3 (Sun) Age/Sex: Undisclosed
(Nurse at Funairi Hospital)
Released from hospital on 5/21 4 family members of the patient were tested for COVID-189; all were negative.
82 Age: 40s (Female)
Released from hospital on 5/10  
Saeki Ward Social Welfare Facility Cluster (confirmed 5/3 (Sun))
No. Patient Information Current Status Other Information
83 Age: 50s (Male)
Tested negative  
No. Date Patient Information Current Status Other Information
84 5/3 (Sun) Undisclosed Released from hospital on 5/12  
85 6/30 (Tues) Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/10  
86 7/6 (Mon) Male Released from hospital on 7/17  
87 7/9 (Thurs) Age: 50s Released from hospital on 7/27  
88 Age: 50s (Male) Released from hospital on 7/19  
89 7/10 (Fri) Age: 50s Released from hospital on 7/17  
90 Age: 20s Released from hospital on 7/19  
91 Age: 40s (Male) Released from hospital on 7/19  
92 Age: 50s Released from hospital on 7/25  
93 Age: 20s (Female) Released from hospital on 7/18  
94 7/11 (Sat) Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/19  
95 7/12 (Sun) Released from hospital on 7/22  
96 Released from hospital on 7/18  
97 Male Released from hospital on 7/29  
98 7/13 (Mon) Age: 30s (Male) Released from hospital on 7/23  
99 7/14 (Tues) Age: 20s Released from hospital on 7/19  
100 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/22  
101 Released from hospital on 7/22
102 Released from hospital on 7/24
103 Age: 30s (Male) Released from hospital on 7/22  
104 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/24  
105 7/15 (Wed) Age: 20s (Male) Released from hospital on 7/27  
106 7/16 (Thurs) Age: 20s (Male)  
107 Age: 20s (Male) Released from hospital on 7/28  
108 Age: 20s (Male) Released from hospital on 7/24  
109 Female Released from hospital on 7/22  
110 Female Released from hospital on 7/27  
111 7/17 (Fri) Female  
112 Age: 20s (Female)  
113 7/18 (Sat)  Age: 30s (Male)   
114 7/19 (Sun) Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/26  
115 Age: 20s (Female) Released from hospital on 8/2  
116 Age: Teens (Female)  
117 7/20 (Mon) Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/27  
118 Age: 40s (Female) Released from hospital on 7/29  
119 Male   
120 Age: Teens (Female) Released from hospital on 7/27  
121 7/21 (Tues) Age: Teens   
122 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 8/2  
123 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/29  
124 Undisclosed  
125 Undisclosed  
126 Female Released from hospital on 7/28  
127 7/22 (Wed) Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/27  
128 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/28  
129 Age: 20s (Male) Released from hospital on 7/27  
130 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/29  
131 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 8/4  
132 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/31  
133 Female Released from hospital on 8/1  
134 Age: 50s Released from hospital on 7/30  
135 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 8/1  
136 Age: 40s (Male) Released from hospital on 8/2  
137 Age: 50s (Female)  
138 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 8/7  
139 Age: 40s (Male) Released from hospital on 8/2  
140 7/23 (Thurs) Male Released from hospital on 8/5  
141 Age: 40s (Male) Released from hospital on 8/6  
142 Age: 30s Released from hospital on 8/1  
143 Age: 70s (Male) Released from hospital on 8/7  
144 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 8/1  
145 Age: 50s (Male) Released from hospital on 8/2  
146 7/24 (Fri) Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/30  
147 Undisclosed  
148 Age: 30s (Female) Released from hospital on 8/1  
149 Age: 30s (Female) Released from hospital on 8/4  
150 Age: 70s (Female) Released from hospital on 8/4  
151 Undisclosed Released from hospital on 7/30  
152 7/25 (Sat) Age: 50s (Male) Released from hospital on 8/3  
153 Age: 50s (Male) Released from hospital on 8/4  
154 Age: 40s Released from hospital on 8/2  
155 Age: 30s (Female) Released from hospital on 8/4  
156 7/26 (Sun) Age: 50s (Female) Released from hospital on 8/5  
157 Age: 30s (Male) Released from hospital on 8/4  

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