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School Expense Subsidy System

Article ID:0000017119 印刷ページ表示

Hiroshima City provides financial assistance for expenses necessary for school studies, such as those for school supplies, to guardians who find it difficult to enroll their children in school for financial reasons.

u Eligible persons

Persons falling under any of the following items a) to c), and whose household falls under any of the following items 1 to 10

a) Hiroshima Municipal Schools

  • Guardians whose children are enrolled in an elementary school or junior high school
  • Guardians whose children are enrolled in a lower division secondary school
  • Guardians whose children are enrolled in a special needs elementary school or

junior high school

b) Other Municipal Schools

  • Guardians whose children are enrolled in an elementary school or junior high school and who have an address in Hiroshima City
  • Guardians whose children are enrolled in a lower division secondary school and who have an address in Hiroshima City

c) National/ Prefectural/ Private Schools

  • Guardians whose children are enrolled in an elementary school or junior high school and who have an address in Hiroshima City
  • Guardians whose children are enrolled in a lower division secondary school and who have an address in Hiroshima City (eligible from Fy 2010)
  1. Household that receives welfare benefits
  2. Household for which welfare benefits have been suspended or abolished
  3. Household that is entitled to a reduction of or an exemption from municipal tax and other taxes (Exemption from municipal tax applies only to disabled people, widows, and widowers.)
  4. Household that is exempted from national pension premium payment
  5. Household that is entitled to a reduction of national health insurance premiums or has been granted postponement of national health insurance premium payment
  6. Household that receives a child rearing allowance
  7. Household that receives welfare loans
  8. Household whose main earner receives unemployment benefits under the Employment Insurance Act
  9. Household whose living conditions are unstable and that has difficulty enrolling children in school for financial reasons
  10. Household that has special circumstances, such as the death of a guardian or the victim of a disaster

u Major support (annual amount in Fy 2023)


Elementary school

Junior high school

1st grade

2nd to 6th grades

1st grade

2nd & 3rd grades

School supplies, etc.

13,230 yen

15,500 yen

25,040 yen

27,310 yen

School supplies for new enrollment, etc.

54,060 yen

60,000 yen

School lunch

Actual expenses

Actual expenses

School excursions

Actual expenses

(amount limit: 28,100 yen)

Actual expenses

(amount limit: 55,000yen)

Outdoor activities

Actual expenses (amount limit set)

Actual expenses (amount limit set)

Commuting expenses

Actual expenses (when the one-way commuting distance is 4 km or more)

Actual expenses (when the one-way commuting distance is 6 km or more)

School infirmary

Actual expenses

Actual expenses


Of eligible households mentioned above, those which receive welfare benefits are provided financial assistance for only school excursion and school infirmary expenses. For some guardians stated in a) (those having an address outside Hiroshima City) and those stated in b) and c), there is a limitation on expense items.

For instance, the following four expense items apply to guardians stated in c). (Households that receive welfare benefits are provided financial assistance for only expenses for school excursions.)

  • Expenses for school supplies, etc.
  • Expenses for school supplies for new enrollment, etc.
  • Expenses for school excursions
  • Expenses for outdoor activities

For details, please contact the School Affairs Division of the Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education.

u Application procedures

For those who want to apply for a school expense subsidy, please fill out the designated application form and submit it to the school or the School Affairs Division of the Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education, along with written certificates.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school that your children attend or the School Affairs Division of the Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education at 082-504-2469.

Although applications for school expense subsidies are accepted any time, financial assistance is provided for the month the application is submitted and subsequent months. Please make an application as early as possible.

Inquiries About This Page

Board of Education Executive Office School Affairs Division
Mail Address:gakujika@city.hiroshima.lg.jp


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Please note some links on this page may navigate to our Japanese website.


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