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Declaration of State of Warning for the Spread of COVID-19 and Statement from Governor Yuzaki (as of 4/13/2020)

Article ID:0000150553 印刷ページ表示

Today, Hiroshima Prefecture declares itself to be in a state of warning for the spread of COVID-19.
Under this state of warning, I have five things to ask of the citizens of Hiroshima, and three things to ask of business owners.

To the citizens of Hiroshima Prefecture:

  1. Avoid unnecessary outings and stay home not only on the weekends, but also on the weekdays.
  2. If you must go outside, practice social distancing and keep at least 2 meters apart from others.
  3. Avoid going to restaurants/bars in the entertainment districts at night.
  4. Find ways to avoid coming in contact with others on your way to work, be it via working from home, using flextime, commuting via bicycle or walking, etc.
  5. DO NOT slander, criticize, or discriminate against COVID-19 patients, our medical care workers, or their respective families.

To the business owners of Hiroshima Prefecture:

In addition to the point above, I also ask that you follow the three points below to reduce contact between people.

  1. Keep your users/customers and workers at least 2 meters apart when possible.
  2. Set goals and actively encourage working from home and other measures to reduce contact between your employees.
  3. Use technology such as video conferencing and do what is necessary avoid the 3Cs in the workplace.

I ask that all citizens follow these requests under our current state of warning until May 6.

Regarding Schools (Board of Education)

Based on our current policies, and in conjunction with the cities and towns of Hiroshima Prefecture, we will consider initiatives to work with their varying situations. However, the entire prefecture is under a state of warning and cases of COVID-19 are expected to rise rapidly. This is a situation which we take very seriously, and we will take the appropriate measures to ensure that we can be ready to cancel schools at any moment. [UPDATE] All Hiroshima Prefectural schools will be closed from 4/16 to early May (tentative).

Statement from the governor to the citizens of Hiroshima Prefecture

Today, Hiroshima Prefecture is in a state of warning for the spread of COVID-19. Under this state of warning, I asked five things of the citizens of Hiroshima, three things to the business owners in the prefecture, and expanded the request that citizens stay at home to include weekdays.

The actions of each and every one of you can help to stop the mass spread of COVID-19. I ask for your understanding and for your cooperation in what I have asked of you.

Finally, I have one more thing I would like to ask of you. It pertains to the current issue of slandering COVID-19 patients, as well as invading their personal privacy online, and to the discrimination of our medical workers as they work every day, facing the risk of infection, to combat this crisis.

It’s natural to feel anxious about the situation: we cannot see viruses. However, engaging in any of the behavior listed above will do nothing but prevent those who are trying to stop the spread of the virus from doing their job. COVID-19 does not discriminate; it is an equal-opportunity infector. It bears repeating that your kindness, your awareness, and your sound judgement will help in our efforts to contain the virus.

Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by frequently washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, maintaining proper coughing etiquette, and avoiding the 3Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, close-contact settings). 

Avoid the 3Cs (MHLW)
Wash Your Hands! (MHLW)

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