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Message from the Mayor Regarding COVID-19 (March 11, 2020)

Article ID:0000141308 印刷ページ表示

Presently, the whole of Japan is working on measures to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19; however, on March 6, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed here in Hiroshima City.


The measures which are currently in place, such as school closures and event cancellations, present serious challenges to the economy of this city. But together with safeguarding the lives and wellbeing of each of our citizens, it is my belief that we must stand united in this trying time, so that we might restore the safety and security of our everyday lives as quickly as is possible.


For your safety, I ask that the citizens of Hiroshima follow these guidelines to prevent the spread of infection:


  • Do not hold gatherings in places with improper ventilation and where people gather in close proximity to one another.
  • If you are not commuting to work, please refrain from using public transport during peak hours. We also recommend offices use flex time or allow employees to work from home.
  • Wash your hands frequently, and if you are coughing, please wear a mask or cough into a tissue.
  • If you feel unwell or have difficulty breathing, do not go out unless absolutely necessary. If you have a fever of 37.5°C or above for 4 or more days, contact your local Health Center immediately, and follow all instructions given.


To our senior citizens: it is important to be mindful of your own physical and mental health in times like this. I am sure that many of you are choosing to stay home rather than participate in events and gatherings. Remember to stay active: take a walk or do simple stretches outside in open areas.


To our young people (those in their teens to those in their 30s): even if you catch COVID-19, it is unlikely that it will develop into a serious case. That being said, you may be sick but not realize it, which may in turn lead to spreading the virus to others who may be at a higher risk for complications. I ask that you please avoid going to places where large numbers of people gather and where there is improper ventilation. I realize this means missing sports and music events, but for the sake of yourself, your family, and those around you, I ask for your cooperation.


Finally, please be wary of misleading/false information on social media. If we all keep calm and act rationally, I am sure we will see an improvement. Thank you for your cooperation, and for your understanding.


March 11, 2020




The City of Hiroshima


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