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Current Location Home > English > Guide Map for Peace-Related Exhibition Facilities & A-bombed Buildings and Trees (Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and city center areas)


Guide Map for Peace-Related Exhibition Facilities & A-bombed Buildings and Trees (Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and city center areas)

Article ID:0000011111 印刷ページ表示

This map suggests various places in town in addition to the Peace Memorial Museum which you can visit to see the damages wrought by atomic bombing. Included are five pedestrian courses that start and end at the museum, and lead to peace-related exhibition facilities, A-bombed buildings and A-bombed trees.


  • Peace-related facilities around the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and the city center area
  • A-bombed buildings
  • A-bombed trees
  • Explanatory plaques of damage from the atomic bombing
  • Recommended tours

This map is available at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima City Tourist information centers and from the download link below (layouts are optimized for the download version).


Inquiries about this page

Peace Promotion Division, Citizens Affairs Bureau, the City of Hiroshima
Tel: 082-242-7831 // Fax:082-242-7452
Email: peace@city.hiroshima.lg.jp

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  • Hiroshima Peaceのバナー画像<外部リンク>
  • ザ・ひろしまブランド(英語版)
  • 広島市へ寄付