We deliver the overall latest updates on the top page, as well as pages of each category, including information for daily life and the latest information for each affiliation, by using a content delivery format using XML technology (RSS).
If you use an RSS reader or an RSS-compatible browser (etc), you can automatically receive updated information without having to access the Hiroshima City website.
This format is based on XML, which structures and describes the metadata (additional data that describes information about the data). This technology delivers the website headlines and summaries. It is used to inform users of updated articles and information on news sites and blogs (etc), which are updated frequently. If you register a website into software called an RSS reader or the RSS reader function of a major portal site, you can easily view the latest information.
Prepare an RSS reader and the register the applicable URL into the RSS reader from the "Latest Information RSS Feed."
After registration, the registered information will be automatically delivered.
Please keep the following points in mind during use.