Every year, many folded paper cranes are offered to the Children’s Peace Monument. These folded cranes come in various colors and shapes, but the Paper Crane Booth in which the folded paper cranes are displayed measures approx. 1m wide, 2m deep, and 2m high, and has hooks attached to the ceiling so that bundles of cranes can be hung from the ceiling. If a bundle is too long, it will drag on the floor, and so the most appropriate size for folded paper crane bundles is within 150cm long and within 25cm wide due to placement of the hanging hooks. Moreover, the string can sometimes snap and cranes fall off the bundles, so we recommend that you use sturdy string and employ various techniques to ensure that the cranes do not fall off the end of the string.
Many bundles of folded paper cranes also have attached to them strips of paper with the names of and messages from the people who offered them to the monument, so you can also look at these for reference.
Furthermore, when making large folded cranes or works in a panel form, please keep dimensions to within a reasonable scale in consideration of other people offering folded paper cranes to the monument as well as the size of the booth.
Address for sending folder paper cranes for the Children’s Peace Monument