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Comment from the Mayor Regarding 50th Ratification of the TPNW

Article ID:0000194148 印刷ページ表示

Today, we learned that the number of nations ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) has reached 50, ensuring the treaty’s entry-into-force next year.

This treaty constitutes a new international framework through which the spirit of Hiroshima can be shared by civil society around the world, and its entry-into-force will be a crucial milestone on the path toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. The TPNW reaching 50 ratifications is a testament to the strenuous efforts made by so many people, including hibakusha, member cities of Mayors for Peace, and like-minded people around the world.

While the nuclear-weapon and nuclear-umbrella states remain opposed to signing and ratifying the treaty, our next step will be to enhance the effectiveness of the treaty. For now, I would like to celebrate with the hibakusha and everyone else who have worked together to achieve this milestone.

October 25, 2020

The City of Hiroshima



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