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Peace Declaration

Article ID:0000158103 印刷ページ表示

Peace DeclarationPeace Declaration

Every year on August 6, the City of Hiroshima holds a Peace Memorial Ceremony to pray for the peaceful repose of the victims, and for the abolition of nuclear weapons and lasting world peace. During that ceremony, the Mayor issues a Peace Declaration directed toward the world at large. Hiroshima's mayor will continue to issue these declarations calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons from the face of the earth to build a world of genuine and lasting world peace where no population will ever again experience the cruel devastation suffered by Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Past Peace Declarations


Inquiries regarding this page

Peace Promotion Division
International Peace Promotion Department
Tel: 082-242-7831 // Fax:082-242-7452
Email: peace@city.hiroshima.lg.jp

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  • Hiroshima Peaceのバナー画像<外部リンク>
  • ザ・ひろしまブランド(英語版)
  • 広島市へ寄付