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Commitment to Peace

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Commitment to PeaceIn 1995, the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing, the City of Hiroshima held the Children's Peace Assembly*, inviting children from around the world. At the same year's Peace Memorial Ceremony children's representatives delivered the outcome of the Assemby's discussions as the "Commitment to Peace" . Every year since then the city holds the spiritual successor of the Assembly, the Children's Peace Summit, and the children's representatives deliver a Commitment to Peace at the Peace Memorial Ceremony.


* The Children's Peace Assembly was held in Hiroshima from July 31 to August 6, 1995 as a project commemorating the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing, in order to inspire young people to strive for peace. A total of 194 fifth and sixth graders from 15 cities in 12 countries participated in the event.

Commitment to Peace (2021)

We have a mission.

The tragedy that happened on that day in Hiroshima.
We learn about it, we listen to the thoughts and pleas of the hibakusha, and we think.
We must tell the people of the world, tell the next generation about how precious and how important peace truly is.

August 6, 1945, 8:15 am.
The ruined city of Hiroshima burned red and was charred to black.
“I wish I had died instead of my big brother.”
There is no end to the sadness wrought by losing a loved one or the pain of those who survived.

Despite their wounded hearts, the hibakusha looked to the future, vowing that
“We, the youth, will prove that we can build a peaceful world.”
Hearts full of sadness and pain, the hibakusha never lost the will to live;
Supporting one another, they stood up and worked for the reconstruction of Hiroshima.

True goodbyes aren’t being unable to meet again; they are when their existence is forgotten.
We cannot forget those who became victims on that day, ever.
We cannot allow our tragic past to be repeated.

What we want is peace, not just in Japan, but in every country of the world.
In order to achieve that, we want to take action believing that even something small can change the world.
We never want to give up trying to make the world a place where everyone can live in happiness.

We will keep working for a conflict-free future and the day when everyone on earth can genuinely say that there is peace.
We, the children of Hiroshima, will hold our mission in our hearts and pass these sentiments on to the next generation.

Children's Representatives:
Ito Maria (6th grade, Hiroshima City Fukuromachi Elementary School)
Takumi Yoshimasa (6th grade, Hiroshima City Itsukaichi-higashi Elementary School)

Commitments to Peace in Past Years

Inquiries Regarding This Page

Teacher Supervisory Division I, Hiroshima Board of Education

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  • Hiroshima Peaceのバナー画像<外部リンク>
  • ザ・ひろしまブランド(英語版)
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