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Regarding Specified Small Motorized Bicycles (e-scooters, etc.)

Article ID:0000369243 印刷ページ表示

​Starting July 1, 2023, new traffic rules will apply to vehicles classified as Specified Small Motorized Bicycles.​

What are Specified Small Motorized Bicycles? 

Specified Small Motorized Bicycles (SSMBs) refer to motorized bicycles whose size and structure are unlikely to impede the passage of other vehicles on bicycle paths and whose operation meets the criteria specified in the Road Transport Vehicle Act Enforcement Regulations as not requiring a high level of skill.​

Size and strutural criteria

The criteria set forth in the Road Traffic Act Enforcement Regulations are as follows:

Vehicle size

Vehicle size may not exceed 190 cm in length and 60 cm in width.

Structural criteria

  • The attached engine’s maximum rated power may not exceed 0.6 kW.
  • The vehicle’s maximum speed may not exceed 20 km/h.
  • The vehicle’s maximum speed setting cannot be changed while the vehicle is in motion.
  • Vehicles may only use automatic transmission.
  • Vehicles must be installed with maximum speed indicator lights, as prescribed in Article 66-17 of the Safety Standards for Road Transport Vehicles.

Please note that for vehicles manufactured before the enforcement of the revised act on July 1, 2023, the deadline for installing maximum speed indicator lights has been postponed until December 22, 2024. Vehicles without maximum speed indicator lights must either have maximum speed indicator lamps installed or instead display a vehicle type number certificate, a performance certificate (validation sticker), or a small number plate (license plate) for SSMBs to December 22, 2024.

Vehicles that do not meet the abovementioned criteria do not qualify as SSMBs. This rule applies even to e-scooters and other vehicles similar in form, and the traffic rules for their respective vehicle categories (motorized bicycles or motor vehicles) will continue to apply from July 1, 2023, onwards.

Note: SSMBs are subject to the Traffic Infraction Warning System and the Abandonment Penalty System.

Compliance with safety standards

SSMBs must conform to the safety standards for road transport vehicles before they can be operated. Vehicles bearing a performance certificate (validation sticker), etc., are considered to have met these standards.

For more information on the safety standards applicable to SSMBs, click here<外部リンク> ​(Japanese)​.

Purchasing automobile/mutual automobile liability insurance

It is mandatory for SSMB riders to purchase automobile/mutual automobile liability insurance. For more information on mandatory automobile/mutual automobile liability insurance, click here<外部リンク> (Japanese).

Insurance premiums for motorized bicycles will apply for SSMBs until the end of March 2024. New premiums specifically for SSMBs, however, will be applicable from April 2024. With the exception of some cases, we plan to allow riders to apply for a refund of the difference if the new premium is lower than that for motorized bicycles. The Financial Services Agency is currently working out the details regarding insurance premiums.

What are Special Specified Small Motorized Bicycles?

Special Specified Small Motorized Bicycles (SSSMBs) are SSMBs that fulfill any of the following criteria 1-5 and are not used to tow another vehicle (excluding those that can be remote controlled).

  1. The vehicle's maximum speed indicator lights flash when traveling on sidewalks, etc.
  2. The vehicle is not structurally capable of reaching a speed that exceeds 6 km/h while the maximum speed indicator lights are flashing. If the vehicle is merely operated at a speed not exceeding 6 km/h via the accelerator, it does not meet this requirement and therefore does not qualify as a SSSMB.
  3. There are no sidecars attached to the vehicle.
  4. Brakes are easily accessible when operating the vehicle.
  5. The vehicle does not have any sharp protrusions.

SSMBs with no maximum speed indicator lights installed in accordance to the transitional measures under the safety standards for road transport vehicles in effect until December 22, 2024, do not qualify as SSSMBs. They cannot be operated on sidewalks or roadside strips as they do not meet the requirements in criteria 1.

Know before you ride

Minimum rider age

A driver's license is not required to operate SSMBs. However, persons under the age of 16 are not allowed to operate SSMBs. Providing SSMBs to those under the age of 16 who may possibly operate said vehicles is also strictly prohibited.​

Failure to comply will result in penal servitude for up to six months or ​a fine of up to 100,000 yen​.

Riding under the influence of alcohol

Riding a SSMB after alcohol consumption is prohibited. In addition, providing a SSMB, or providing/ encouraging the provision of alcoholic beverages to those who may possibly ride under the influence of alcohol is also strictly prohibited.​

Failure to comply will result in penal servitude for up to five years or ​a fine of up to 1,000,000 yen.

Helmet use

All riders are expected to make a mandatory effort to wear helmets while riding. In the event of a traffic accident, it is important to protect your head to reduce the severity of damage caused. Wearing a helmet can save your life.​

Riding double

Riding double on SSMBs is strictly prohibited.

Failure to comply will result in a fine of up to 50,000 yen.

Vehicle inspection and maintenance

To ensure safety, it is necessary to personally inspect your vehicle before riding it. If the vehicle is malfunctioning, do not attempt to ride it and send it for repair.​

Things to look for when inspecting your vehicle:

  • Does your vehicle have sufficient braking efficiency and brake sensitivity?
  • Does your vehicle feel bumpy when riding? Are the tires distorted?
  • Do the tires have the correct amount of pressure?
  • Do the handlebars feel heavy? Are they caught in wires? Are they functioning properly?
  • Are your vehicle's lights working properly?

In addition, remember to bring your vehicle to a store or a maintenance and repair shop for regular inspections and maintenance checks. Operating SSMBs that does not conform to the standards, etc., set forth in the Road Transport Vehicle Act (Act No. 185 of 1951) is strictly prohibited.

Failure to comply will result in penal servitude for up to three months or a fine of up to 50,000 yen.

Where should you ride?

You should always ride on roads or bicycle paths where a distinction between a road and a sidewalk or shoulder is present. In principle, you should always keep to the left side of the road as riding on the right side of the road is not allowed.

Failure to comply will result in penal servitude for up to three months or a fine of up to 50,000 yen.

Exceptions where passage on sidewalks is allowed

Only SSSMBs are allowed passage on sidewalks where road signs indicate that such passage is permitted (places where Pedestrians and Bicycles Only signs, etc., are installed).

When riding on sidewalks, you should always ride between the middle of the sidewalk and the road, or use designated bicycle lanes when available. Pedestrians have the right of way on sidewalks, so be sure to pause when there is a risk of obstructing pedestrian traffic. Additionally, you may ride along the shoulder on the left side of the road (except those for pedestrian use) if doing so does not significantly impede the passage of pedestrians.

Failure to comply will result in a fine of up to 20,000 yen.

Note: The penalty applies when one does not ride between the middle of the sidewalk and the road or fails to adhere to other similar rules when riding SSSMBs on sidewalks without designated bicycle lanes.

Safety obligations

SSMB riders must operate the handlebars, brakes, and other parts of the vehicle in a safe and secure manner, keep an eye on road and traffic conditions, and proceed safely at a speed that does not endanger others.

Failure to comply will result in penal servitude for up to three months or ​a fine of up to 50,000 yen.

Rider compliance

SSMB riders must observe the following rules as well as other regulations stipulated by the Road Traffic Law and prefectural public safety commissioner regulations:

  • When sharing a pathway with those who have walking difficulties, such as an elderly or disabled person, either pause or proceed slowly and do not impede their passage.
  • When passing a school bus or other vehicles, slow down and make sure it’s safe to proceed.
  • Do not gaze at images on your smartphone or other devices or use them for talking unless you have come to a stop.
  • Riders must adhere to regulations that the Public Safety Commission deems necessary for hazard prevention and traffic safety in accordance with road and traffic conditions.

Failure to comply will result in penal servitude for up to one year or a fine of up to 300,000 yen.

Wear helmets, ride safely!

Approximately 60% of cyclists who die in traffic accidents suffer fatal head injuries. In addition, the fatality rate (ratio of the number of deaths to the number of casualties for cyclists) who didn’t wear helmets in traffic accidents is about twice as high as that for those who wore helmets.

In the event of an accident, it is important to protect your head to reduce the severity of damage caused. You should always wear a helmet to protect yourself even when riding SSMBs.

Related information

Please note that the above websites are available in Japanese only. However, PDF documents regarding SSMBs are available in multiple languages on the National Police Agency's official website.

Inquiries regarding this page​

Safety Measures Section, Road Management Division, Roads and Transportation Bureau (8F)
1-6-34 Kokutaiji-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Japan 730-8586
Tel: 082-504-2122 // Fax: 082-504-2379



Note Regarding Links

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