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Hiroshima International Cooperation Project

Article ID:0000220421 印刷ページ表示

The City of Hiroshima established the Hiroshima International Cooperation Fund in 1995, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing. Its profits finance the Hiroshima International Cooperation Project, which provides assistance in resolving urban problems in Asia, works towards international cooperation, and contributes to global peace and development.

In 1996, the first programs using this fund were started, including a training program in a variety of fields for participants from all around Asia.

Furthermore, the City of Hiroshima is undertaking measures to donate used vehicles, such as garbage trucks, to multiple cities in Asia.

Project Contents

Training Program

To date, we have mentored a total of 26 trainees from 12 different countries: Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bhutan, Indonesia, Lao PDR, and Thailand.

Information about our trainees

Used Vehicle Donation

To date, we have donated 20 used vehicles, including garbage trucks and fire trucks, to seven different countries.

Our donation record

Inquiries regarding this page

Internationalization Division, Citizens Affairs Bureau
1-6-34 Kokutaiji-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima
Tel: +81 82-504-2106 // Fax: +81 82-249-6460
Email: kokusai@city.hiroshima.lg.jp


Note Regarding Links

Please note some links on this page may navigate to our Japanese website.


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  • Hiroshima Peaceのバナー画像<外部リンク>
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